Thursday, April 27, 2006


Andrew walked in while I was shaving this morning and was fascinated. So he got a turn when I was done. After that, Noah was next in line. You can't see Molly on the floor laughing through the whole thing, but we all had a great time!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Church Fountain

The Church of the Cross just finished the Buckwalter campus with this awesome new fountain. These pics were before the main pump was on, but we still had a great time getting very wet. If any church folks are checking out this page, please don't let you kids do this! Bad kids! Bad! Down! lol.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Molly!

It's Molly's 1st birthday...
It's time to see who she looks like (at least among her siblings). the pictures are in random order, and this post will be updated later to reveal which baby is which (Molly is the top left). I know some of you remember the actual pictures, but that's ok. The pictures have been resized, but simply click on each to see it larger. Happy Birthday to the baby Pū-Nut!

(Images (clockwise from upper left) Molly, Andrew, Elaina and Noah)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Come on in! The water's great!

The pool opened last weekend, and if it's open, we're in it. Molly's first time there proved her a quick study in the water sports. Wet face, an ocasional splash and never a pause or tear (that was visible through the water, that is). More of that will be coming. Now, to keep the sun off her tender flesh...

Because Molly's strollers were all in the van, and the van gone away for the afernoon, Elaina had the brilliant idea of using her "baby" stroller. While a 10" doll looks just about right, Molly was downright rediculous. Elaina pushed her the whole way to and from the pool in a stroller that didn't fit even a little. Dad had to rig up a towel to keep the poor kid's head from flopping down since it extended above the head rest by several inches.

Mmmmmmmm... Veggies

Yeah, that's zucchini. Molly found a bag of veggies on the floor and decided to help herself to breakfast. Turned out she was serious and ate a good bit before finally getting too full and messy to continue.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Slippin' and Slidin'

Sunday afternoon, Joseph Floystad brought over his slip and slide for us to share. Andrew wanted nothing to do with it, but Elaina and Noah thought it was awesome! Even Molly spent some time under the showers crawling around. Too bad the 87 degree temperatures came after the rest of the family went back up North.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cousins Reunited

Take a bunch of cute baby pics where the cousins are staged in a cute pose in good light and what happens? They don't smile and crawl off until mom(s) show up and join the picture. Then all is right with the world (as with most times moms show up).

But sometimes pictures can be fun. . .

when the princesses wish it. . .

as long as they don't upstage each other. . .

but, mostly it's just fun to be together!

And, don't forget the boy cousins

Andrew, Joshua and Noah

Opa and the Pū-Nut

Shooting fire while moving the camera in circles...
(4.o secs at F/10, ISO100, no tripod, digital so messups are free)

E. J. and A. Helsel waking up

Bummer of a place to live...