Hi there.
Sorry it's been so long since the last update. And this really doesn't count as it won't contain any real news (if that's what you come her for). But, I have new respect for the news media. A little at least. And, it comes with the following observation:
When you are the primary reporter of your life, you are always faced with a choice, do I document what's going on in order to share it, or do I live in the moment and let the record keeping fall to the wayside. So, let's hear it for all those journalists who have given up living in order to keep records.
Anyway, lots has been happening, too much to write, but I will have a post tomorrow morning with some pics from a family adventure yesterday.

While you wait,
buy a gallon of milk. No really, go on. But, before you purchase it, you should read what almost 500(!) customers have said about this delicious gallon of whole milky goodness.
A few samples: "After drinking this milk, I could fight Chuck Norris and win!"
"Unfortunately, after a terrible night's sleep, I have concluded that this product is not suitable for use as a pillow."
"I drank the entire 128 fl oz in one gulp, and for the next 43 minutes and twelve seconds I could divide by zero. The taste is okay, but what makes it worth the shipping is the ability it confers: the ability to defy the laws of mathematics with impunity."
"Horrible service, I bought my milk and went with the 7-9 day super saver shipping method and it arrived warm and curdled. "