Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

And Kaeden makes 3!

Kaeden Matthews Cronin
Born Feb 16th, 2007 at 5:11pm
7lbs 10oz, 21¼ inches
Mom and Dad, Jim and Heather, are thrilled and mom is doing well.
Older Brothers, Cuyler (6) and Reiley (4), are waiting to meet their new baby brother.

Congratulations Cronin Family!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Of rockets and motorcycles

Is there a better thing to do after church than shoot rockets? Andrew got a model rocket kit for his birthday two weeks ago and we have been waiting for the perfect day to go launching. Well, yesterday was it. Very little breeze, a huge field (which will soon be filled with houses, but it empty for now), dogs and friends made for a successful launching. We had a team of highly trained Dorrells to go find the rockets when they had splashed back down. Andrew was able to actually do the count down and the launch by himself while dad kept brothers and dogs out of the way. The rockets go about as high as you can see, then pop off the top and a parachute comes out. They slowly float back go earth as the recovery team runs over very rough ground to try a "mid air catch." Then it's time to put in a new engine and relaunch.
I know the title mentions motorcycles, but you will have to check The One Boof's Blog for more on that.
And Happy Birthday OMA!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Autism Rate

The rate of Autism in the USA is now 1 in 150.
In 1973 the rate was 1 in 10,000. Notice a change?
more here.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Andrew

February first. Andrew is now 6 years old! He had a birthday party at school after the official day was over. Cake, balloons, noise makers and carrots made much noise, mess and fun. His classmates really enjoy him and the presents that he got from them were not only very generous, but showed that they really understood what he loves: thomas, race cars, dinosaurs... they were all there. Happy Birthday!