Noah and I (david) went up to Charleston on Wednesday night and stayed with the Warners in Mt. Pleasant so we could make the 6am arrival time at the hospital (MUSC). Noah was very happy and awake in the morning and our registration was easy and quick. Even the silly hospital gown was kinda fun for him.
He gave up a bit of struggle getting the pre-op meds in, but that only lasted a second. They had some really great toys in the OR, things that spun and lighted up which he liked so well they let him have it after surgery.
I went with him into the OR and it was only three easy breaths into the mask before he was sound asleep. Breakfast, reading and three and a half hours later and I got a call that he was all done. I beat Noah to the recovery room by about 2 minutes, and he was still almost completely asleep when he got there. After about 5 more minutes of groggy looking around, he became very upset. He ripped the IV our with one tug (at just the right angle not to hurt himself at all), and I held him on my lap for a while as he screamed and tried to get away.
But, he calmed all of a sudden and crawled back into bed to partly sleep for a while longer. Apparently the panic followed by calm is typical for kids waking from surgery, especially when they have been out more than an hour or so.
By the time he wanted to sit up, he was ready to go. The nurses were very pleased with his progress and I finally got a glimpse of his mouth...
He had a baby molar on his bottom right pulled and the tooth in front of it capped in stainless steel in order to hold the spacer in place. That will keep the space reserved for his adult teeth when they start to come in and everything should fit properly in a few years when his new teeth are ready to surface.
I carried him to the car and he rode all the way home with a slight look of concern while lying on his side in the back. It was a quiet trip and we were home by mid afternoon.
In the last 24 hours, he seems stable, is eating and drinking and seems not too much the worse for wear. It's still hard to tell how much pain he's in or if it just feels funny at the moment.
Thanks so much for your prayers, Noah was amazing and I am so proud of him!
1 comment:
hi sadds...gosh i didn't expect to
find you here...i was looking at the pgh fellows blog on the st. stephen's website and all of a sudden i found you! so glad! i'm especially glad that noah did well and can really relate to how it feels to be holding them when they are so frantic coming out of anes-
thesia. i was so grateful that a mom at women's bible study told me about that before joe had ear tubes put was much easier knowing that it was normal and would end fairly quickly...since then i've told lots and moms and dads the same story because you know that ear tube/dental/hernia reports seem to be the topics of conversation as we wait in line at
starbucks! by the way, we miss you! things here are busy...the kids are in 3 different schools for 3 years...rose(9)is in 3rd grade at Osborne;tim(12)in 6th at
qvms;and joe(15)a freshman at qvhs.
and...the schools even have different grading periods so some are on 6 week or trimesters and some on quarters! each day i thank god that i haven't dropped anyone off at the wrong school or forgotten to pick anyone up. god is good (i think in my case, he's been working overtime!) i know nothing about blogging but it's sure been nice connecting with you. blessings!
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