Another day on the dock netted us ten good sized crabs (and 20 more that we released). Noah played with them more alive than cooked and has a few pinch marks on his hands to show for it. It's hard to keep a determined seven year old out of a game he wants to play. As hard as it is to watch, sometimes it's just better to let the crabs do the teaching.
Andrew and Elaina worked hard bringing crabs out of the water and into the big bucket (with lots of terrified/excited screaming). Elaina got so good she even caught two at once!

Then came dinner; what a fun mess! Noah only seemed to want to play with the shells. Andrew had a great time smashing things with his hammer. Elaina did very well and has the cut up hands to prove it. Because crabs contain trace elements of mercury (something the boys systems can't process), they didn't get much meat, but had a ball anyway.
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