Monday, August 20, 2007

Location, Location, Location

It's been said that the first three things that matter in Real Estate are Location, Location, Location. So with that in mind, here is a shot from our new soon to be front porch...
We are relocating to St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center and will be living on the camp's grounds. The house is half the square footage, but by God's grace has 4 bedrooms so we will fit (technically). Here are some shots of the house and some views from the front porch.

We stayed there last night (making due without much stuff), and were simply overcome with thanksgiving as we faced both the beauty and the challenges of what comes tomorrow. We are called to paradise, but we are called with a clear mission as well. It's not about us, but some of the blessings along the way are truly breathtaking.

Here's the satellite view.


Sara Lester said...
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Sara Lester said...

Okay, I had this all written out and could not post because the buttons are all in Japanese... I think I have it figured out, I managed to get a post through to Emma and failed on my other attempts, but here it goes:
Wow, that is an amazing view, what a blessing! We can definitely relate being that we just moved last Tues. into our 800+ sqft townhome with 1/4 of what we had in Bluffton and are all the better and lighter for it. It is amazing how well we fit in something we would have considered so small, but with such a smaller space to tend and so fewer things to manage, organize, and tend to, we have more time for ourselves and the girls than ever! It is a wonderful blessing to down-size and what a beautiful location, I couldn't agree more. We'll send some pics of Okinawa, beautiful with a jungle twist (just subtract the oaks and add some mountainous terrain and there you have it, the Carolinas of the Orient). We love you all, please write soon and let us know how everyone is doing, including Em and baby Sadd, it's getting so close and I regret not being able to be there. Love and hugs to everyone- God bless,
The Lesters

Julie Wieder said...

well, i bet that scene beats the one in ambridge a bit!! i am so happy that things are falling into place for you. we all knew it would with the way God works. it's just always interesting. i will be praying for you and the fam with the transition of schools and what not. i want to call and catch up soon. we miss you!! xoxo, julie

Robyn J said...

Yay!! What a blessing. I will be in Pawley's Sept. 23-27. I know the baby will soon be on its way by that time, but if you feel like a small road trip I'll be there! Love you,