Thursday, March 24, 2005

Latest News

Emily is scheduled for a planned C Section on April the 22nd.

Elaina is healing from her Strep Throat and should be back to 100% just in time for spring break!

My parents, Tom and Jeannie Sadd, are spending two weeks down south with us. They camp on Hunting Island about an hour from us and visit during a lot of the days. And, my brother arrives on Saturday for a week too! It's gonna be most excellent!

The boys are ready to start swimming on a regular basis and can't wait until the fence in the back yard is in place. They both love the water and are taking more baths to try to compensate for it's still being slightly too cold for swimming.

We love our new house and are getting settled into the amazing community at Church of the Cross. What a group of people!

I am working doing worship, tech and creative geek things at the church and loving it. I feel like the job is custom made for what I am good at. Now, I just have to figure out how to add a fourth child...

Anyway, that's the news for now...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Three Kids Together

Here is one of the few shots I have EVER gotten of the three kids together. They won't be three much longer and I can't imagine getting four to pose at the same time! Posted by Hello

A visit from a dear friend

Our wonderful friend Janeen visited last month from Florida. She and her husband, Joe, have 2 beautiful kids. Their eldest, Ben, is autistic like Noah and Andrew. Well, not exactly like since the variation in what Autism looks like is nothing short of amazing. We met at the SunRise Institute when our kids were babies. Janeen's website,, has great information on her family and autism. Posted by Hello


Sisters Posted by Hello

Non-Virtual Home

Here's our non-virtual home. We are really thankful! Posted by Hello

Photoshop is my friend

This is an ad I was working on for the Church. The pic of Elaina is from Ambridge and the Sky is from Myrtle Beach. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Sadds move into a new digital home

Hi there!

It's been many years since went offline, but now there is a new place for updates, photos and we will see what else...
