Monday, July 14, 2008

New Teeth!

After more sleepless nights than with any of the other children (or do we just experience it that way every time?) Margaret has produced 2 beautiful teeth! She is a decidedly happier baby on the far side of producing them and is fast learning to crawl.

The Dog and her Boy

I love my job, don't get me wrong, but Beah's job is pretty sweet too: Snuggle with Noah, wrestle with Noah, get on the bed with Noah (and no one else!)...

And, she's good at her job too. For example, every night she sleeps with Noah and is a key part of his going to bed each night. With her lying next to or on top of him she can siphon off a lot of his energy in order for him to get to sleep.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Molly Quotes

"Hey dad! Can I join YWAM when I grow up?" -Molly
"Uh, sure!" -dad

"Mommy, will you teach this little rock how to go to sleep?" -Molly