Friday, December 30, 2005

The Princess and the Pea

Sometimes it's good to spoil a kid.... but, 3 pillows and a pile of blankets? Looks like we are raising a princess...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Andrew saving Noah while standing high up on a wall on the fort. (they were actually a long way from the edge of the wall, but Andrew takes good care of his brother.)
Noah on a high wall at the fort.
Emily, Elaina, Noah and Andrew at Ft. Pulaski, GA

Monday, December 12, 2005

mmmmmmmmmmmmm... peas

It has long been fortold
By daft seers of old
that kids will like veggies with neigh a scold
if you start them out early on peas, ice cold

And when they are beyond control
And think they have escaped the mold
I can promise they will be so bold
As to fill your toothless mouth with peas, ice cold

And now a Haiku
about consuming the peas -
they were delicious