2 possible meanings: 1. everyone watch out, there's a cockroach loose. 2. my friend cockroach (yes a real one) is in danger and needs to be careful.
This morning, we were blessed with the second of these meanings. Molly and Andrew found a cockroach (also called palmetto bugs down here is SC because that makes them more palatable). It was in the bathtub and they had managed to corner it. After cornering it they captured it, and after capturing it, they made it the newest member of the family.
Cockroach was carried around in a glass for some time and showed around the house. He was given a play by play of the movie Madagascar. And, he was even given a little breakfast (although seemed only marginally interested in french toast).
After a while, the glass was replaced with just holding Cockroach and incorporating him into whatever was the game of the moment. And, finally, after most of his life had been "loved" from his poor body, he was allowed to wander free inside a doll house.
An hour and a half later, Cockroach had to go back outside to his family because he wasn't allowed to come to church with us. It was a hard good bye. Much harder for some memebers of the family than others, but we got through it.
Goodbye, Cockroach. Now, PLEASE go and wash your hands!