Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Molly in the "Tub"

Doctor's Office Update: Molly was weighed and this morning was 8lbs 13oz up almost a pound from birth. She grew to 21.25" which is 1.5" in the last 2 weeks. No wonder she's sleeping so well. She is healthy and everything is fine!

Before the Dr.'s Apt: Molly's lost her bellybutton... So she got her first bath this morning. If she follows the course of the previous Sadd children, she will be insatiable when it comes to swimming. (The older kids went swimming twice yesterday, totaling about 4 hours in the water not counting the bath afterwards.)


Julie Wieder said...

Yahoo!! You have no idea how many times i have gone online to try and find your blog. UGH~ Molly is SUCH a cutie, and what a great name. i am desperately trying to figure this blogging thing out. i tried to download the stuff to get some pics online, and for the life of me, i can't get it to work. i consider myself slightly educated, but this has me stumped.i'll get it eventually. i am so glad that things are going well, minus the pneumonia. i will call you and congrats on a beautiful baby!!

Julie Wieder said...

ok, i FINALLY figured out how to post pictures, but i had to open up a new blog...wiederfamily.blogspot.com is the one. hope to see you soon!please ignore the picture of me,...it is pre-weight-loss.

Julie Wieder said...

I know i stolde your look, but i really didn't like the one i had. what can i say, you have good taste! i hope life is treating you well and that you are adjusting to life at the beach...it sure doesn't suck!!!