Thursday, November 01, 2007


The Conclusion:
We are home safely after another 36 hours back in the hospital, and Emily is going to be fine.

The Story:
Emily woke on Tuesday night with a great difficulty breathing. She was already very swollen from her hips to her feet. (Very swollen means she weighted the same on Tuesday evening that she did before the baby was born). The doctor wasn't too concerned about the swelling, but told her to keep an eye on her breathing and watch for headaches and nausea.

Wednesday morning came the nausea and terrible headaches and we rushed to the emergency room under the doctor's orders. Fearing post pardum Pre-Eclempsia, all kinds of tests were ordered. Drugs to flush the water from her system and to stabilize her blood pressure brought everything under control, but there were still fears of heart or clot issues being a possibility. We stayed over night (mom, dad and new baby) and by this afternoon everything was declared OK since the water had been reduced enough that it was no longer a threat to her heart or blood-pressure. I am deliberately being a bit obtuse so if this is confusing, go read the conclusion up at the top again and relax.

Anyway, it wasn't any of the terrible things that they were testing for, so since the symptoms have subsided, we are back home and resting. Thanks to Em's mom, Sandi, for being with our kids while we were in the ER. And thanks for all of the support from all over!

"They say we are made up of 98% water. So, at any given moment, we are all this close to drowning." -steven wright


Julie Wieder said...

Ok, you TOTALLY need to give me your number. I got a call from my mom about this whole thing last night after she talked to David's parents. I don't have any phone numbers to get a hold of you, stinker!! I called the hospital to get you and you had already been discharged. PLEASE call!!!! LOVE YOU and congrats on the new beautiful girl. XOXO, Julie

Sheila & David Sulak's Blog said...

Excuses, excuses...I think you two (Emily and David) made it all up so you could get away for another couple of days :)
All kidding aside, I am thrilled that all of you are under one roof again.
Thank you God for your constant provisions!
PS: You make the prettiest kids!