Saturday, October 16, 2010

a mother and her last baby

Our baby, Margaret, turns three in a few days. Emily found a sling that we had used with our children when they were infants. Margaret takes after her mommy and is tiny for her age so we decided to see if she still fit into the sling. Turns out she not only fit, but fit well.

Good bye, baby. Hello little girl. We will miss your infancy, but love who you are turning out to be.

1 comment:

Free Range Anglican said...

Our youngest is soon turning five. I guess I know the feeling. He still likes to return to babyhood sometimes, to cuddle and say "gaga" for a while; I suspect working out some little identity details of being the youngest, growing up, being adopted. But its fun to watch them grow, to see who they're becoming. As my dad used to say, "Every age is the perfect age."